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Equipment kits


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Equipment kits

The FAC system is an unconventional but simple solution of the problems which from the very beginning presented themselves – to give the industry a basic construction material which admits the same freedom in design in all three dimensions that the designer is used to from the drawing table/CAD Cam.

FAC system is put together in four different kits to suit different purposes.

  1. Standard kit contains a suitable number of parts with which you can construct most mechanical functions.
  2. Movement kit is a complete functional kit containing a number of movement parts and only a few support units.
  3. Statics kit is a complete kit containing a large number of support units which are in the system. Suitable for building stationary and framework constructions.
  4. Training kit is specially suited for teaching and laboratory work. It consists of nine different construction samples.
  5. Student kit is specially composed to instructive laboratory exercises. Each exercise includes a function model. There are four exercises with different mechanical processes described, free wheel, stepless gear, gearbox and differential.
Standard  |  Movement  |  Statics  |  Training  |  Student kit